Climb to the Top of the Eiffel Tower

To climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower? Or, take the elevator?  That is the golden question…


Price difference set aside – I’m a firm believer in climbing your way to the top. If you are in shape or out of shape, this climb is doable and worth every step.  *Disclaimer: If you REALLY shouldn’t be climbing hundreds of stairs, then don’t do it.* When I went to Paris, I was not entirely in shape. I wasn’t terribly out of shape, either.  This climb kicked my butt – I was tired, sweaty, my legs were burning; but, every single step I took, the view got better.


I was passed by kids who run on Energizer Batteries, their parents, 50-60 year olds who were in better shape than me (#goals) and I passed just about no one. It didn’t matter though! I climbed the Eiffel Tower.

If I were on an elevator, could I just ask to press the emergency button so I can snap a picture or stop and soak in the view in progress? Nope. Definitely not. Those are the precious moments you may miss.

The only pro I can think of with taking the elevator is not getting all nasty like you just had a good HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout. You may save some time but there will be longer lines, and if you’re really impatient, you’ll be at the top faster than the people climbing by a few minutes.

Either way, you’re in Paris at the Eiffel Tower!!


Share with me: Did you take the elevator or walk to the top of the Eiffel Tower?  What do you recommend doing?

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